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Articles published in international journals:

  1. Colak, A., M. Kutlay, N. Demircan,Secer HI., K. Kibici and C. Basekim, “MR imaging for early complications of transpedicular screw fixation”, Eur. Spine J, 8(2), 151–155 (1999).

  2. Century. A., H. Simsek, M. Kutlay, A. Colak, MN Demircan, A. Cetinkal,HI Secerand S. Kaya, “Surgical stabilization of multiple spine tumors  (report of two cases),” Balkan Military Medical Review, 10(2), :95–99 (2007).

  3. Secer. WHAT, E. Gonul and Y. Izci, “Head injuries due to landmines,” Acta Neurochir. (Wien), 149(8), 777–781 (2007).

  4. Izci, Y.,Secer HI., E. Gönül and O. Ongürü, “Simultaneously occurring vestibular schwannoma and meningioma in the cerebellopontine angle: case report and literature review,”Clin. Neuropathol, 26(5), 219–223 (2007).

  5. Izci, Y., M. Gonul,Secer HI ve E. Gönül, “Aplasia cutis congenita: a rare cutaneous sign of split cord malformations” Int. J. Dermatol, 46(10), 1031–1035 (2007).

  6. Secer, HI, M. Daneyemez, E. Gonul and Y. Izci, “Surgical repair of ulnar nerve lesions caused by gunshot and shrapnel: results in 407 lesions,” J. Neurosurg, 107(4), 776–783 (2007).

  7. Secer, HI, M. Daneyemez, O. Tehli, E. Gonul and Y. Izci, “The clinical, electrophysiologic, and surgical characteristics of peripheral nerve injuries caused by gunshot wounds in adults: a 40-year experience” Surg. Neurol, 69(2), 143–152 (2008).

  8. Straight, B.,Secer, HI.  F. Tosun and E. Gonul, “Endoscopic endonasal resection of a midline intradural frontobasal dermoid tumor“Mini. Invasive Neurosurg, 50(6), 363–366 (2007).

  9. Secer, HIand Y. Izci, “The CSF creatine kinase-BB isoenzyme activity in experimental lumbar spinal stenosis model,” J. Spinal Disord. Tech, 21(2), 148–152 (2008).

  10. Secer, HI, E. Gonul, O. Onguru and Y. Izci, “Solitary fibrous tumor extending both supratentorially and infratentorially,”J. Clin. Neurosci, 15(7), 830–833 (2008).

  11. Izci, Y., Y. Tuzun,Secer HI. and E. Gonul, “Cerebral hydatid cysts: technique and pitfalls of surgical management,” Neurosurg. Focus, 24(6), E15 (2008).

  12. Secer, HI, I. Anik, E. Celik, MK Daneyemez and E. Gonul, “Spinal hydatid cyst mimicking arachnoid cyst on magnetic resonance imaging,” J. Spinal Cord Med, 31(1),106–108 (2008).

  13. Secer, HI., C. Dinc, I. Anik, B. Duz and E. Gonul, “Glioblastoma multiforme of the lateral ventricle: report of nine cases”Br. J. Neurosurg, 22(3), 398–401 (2008).

  14. Secer, HI, E. Gonul and Y. Izci, “Surgical management and outcome of large orbitocranial osteomas,” J. Neurosurg, 109(3), 472–477 (2008).

  15. Duz, B., T. Cansever,Secer HI., S. Kahraman, MK Daneyem and E. Gonul, “Evaluation of spinal missile injuries with respect to bullet trajectory, surgical indications and timing of surgical intervention: a new guideline,” Spine, .33(20), E746–753 (2008).

  16. Flat, B., S. Gocmen,Secer HI., S. Basal and E.Gönül, “Tethered cord syndrome in adulthood,” J. Spinal Cord Med, 31(3), 272–278 (2008).

  17. Duz, B., F. Harman,Secer HI, E. Bolu and E. Gonul, “Transsphenoidal approaches to the pituitary: a progression in experience in a single center,” Acta Neurochir (Wien), 150(11), 1133–1138 (2008). discussion 1138-1139.

  18. Secer, HI, B. Düz, Y. İzci, Ö. Tehli, I. Solmaz and E. Gönül,Tumors of the Lateral Ventricle: The Factors that Affected the Preference of the Surgical Approach in 46 Patiens”, Turk Neurosurg, 18(4), 345–355 (2008).

  19. Kaplan, M., B. Akgun andSecer HI., “Ossified chronic subdural hematoma with armored brain”,Turk Neurosurg, 18(4), 420–424 (2008).

  20. Secer, HI, C. Kural, M. Kaplan, A. Kilic, B. Duz, E. Gonul and Y. Izci,  “Comparison of the efficacies of antibiotic-impregnated and silver-impregnated ventricular catheters on the prevention of infections. An in vitro laboratory study,”Pediatric Neurosurg, 44(6), 444–447 (2008).

  21. Izci, Y.,Secer HI, C. Akay and E. Gonul, “Initial experience with silver-impregnated polyurethane ventricular catheter for shunting of cerebrospinal fluid in patients with infected hydrocephalus,”Neurol. Res, 31(3), 234–237 (2009)

  22. Kocaoglu, M., F. Ors, N. Bulakbasi, O. Onguru, C. Ulutin andSecer HI., “Central neurocytoma: proton MR spectroscopy and diffusion weighted MR imaging findings,”Magn. reson. Imaging, 27, 434–440 (2009).

  23. Kaplan M, Real E,Secer HI, Özer A, Yildirim H, Akpolat N, Koparan M. “Lipid levels in glioblastoma multiforme and the role of Ki 67 index in the determination of proliferation activation.” Cesk Slov Neurol N,  72/105(3):242–244 (2009)

  24. Secer HI,Solmaz I, Anik I, Duz B, Izci Y, Daneyemez MK, Gonul E. “Surgical outcomes of the brachial plexus lesions caused by gunshot wounds in adults.” J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj. 4(1):11 (2009)

  25. straight B,Secer HI,Gonul E "Endoscopic approaches to the orbit: a cadaveric study.” Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 52(3):107–113 (2009)

  26. Plain, B, Gomen, S,Secer HI, Onguru O, Gonul E. “Intramedullary Primary Cervical Melanoma” Neurosurgery Quarterly. 19(3):217–218 (2009)

  27. I. Solmaz, C. Kural, C. Clean,Secer HI, B. Düz, E. Gonul, Y. Scout. “Traumatic Brain Injury Due To Gunshot Wounds: A Single Institution's Experience With 442 Consecutive Patients.” Turk Neurosurg. 19(3):216–223 (2009)

  28. Akboru IM, Solmaz I,Secer HI, Izci Y, Daneyemez M. “The surgical anatomy of the brachial plexus.” Turk Neurosurg. 20(2):142–150 (2010)

  29. E. Erdogan, T. Cansever,Secer HI, C. Temiz, S. Şirin, S. Kabataş, E. Gönül “The Evaluation of Surgical Treatment Options in the Chiari Malformation Type I” Turk Neurosurg. 20(3):303–313 (2010)

  30. Secer HI, Duz B, Solmaz I, Gonul E. “Endoscopic Clipping of a Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm in a Middle Fossa Arachnoid Cyst and Review of the Literature” Minim Invas Neurosurg, 53(3):132–137 (2010)

  31. Solmaz I,Secer HI,Tehli O, Temiz C, Izci Y, Gonul E. “Diffuse Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation” Turk Neurosurg, 20(4):536–539 (2010)

  32. Rule C, Pusat S, Senturk T,Secer HI, Scout Y.”Extracranial metastases of anaplastic oligodendroglioma.” J Clin Neurosci, 18:136–138 (2011)

  33. Anik I,Secer HI, Anık Y, Duz B, Gonul E. “Meta analysis of intracerebral hematoma treatment.” Turk Neurosurg, 21(1):6–14 (2011)

  34. Civelek E, Solmaz I, Onal MB, Kircelli A, Temiz C,Secer HI,Izci Y, Gonul E. “Comparison of Intrathecal Flunarizine and Nimodipine Treatments in Cerebral Vasospasm After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rabbits.” Acta Neurochir Suppl, 110(2):69–73 (2011)

  35. Solmaz İ, Cetinalp EN, Göçmez C, Albayrak BS, Kural C, Kaya HS,Secer HI, Daneyemez M, Gonul E. " Management outcome of peroneal nerve injury at knee level: experience of a single military institution." Neurol Neurochir Pol, 45(5): 461-466 (2011).

  36. Scout Y,Secer HI, Ilıca AT, Karaçalıoğlu O, Onguru O, Timuçin M, Korkusuz F. “The efficacy of bioceramics for the closure of burr-holes in craniotomy: Case studies on 14 patients” J Appl Biomater Funct Mater. 11(3):187-196 (2013)

  37. Acaroğlu E, Kahraman S, Şenköylü A, Berk H, Caner H, Özkan S; Turkish Spine Society Core Curriculum Committee (Select PR). “Core curriculum (CC) of spinal surgery: a step forward in defining our profession” Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 48(5):475-478 (2014)

  38. Tehli Ö, Temiz NÇ, Özer MI, Pusat S, Kırık A, Daneyemez MK, Select PR, Gönül E. “Examination of the neuroprotective effects of aminoguanidine and N-Acetylcysteine separately and together in a spinal cord trauma model” Gülhane Medical Journal 57: 91-97 (2015)

  39. Secer HI, Harman F, Aytar MH, Kahraman S. “Open-door laminoplasty with preservation of muscle attachments of C2 and C7 for cervical spondylotic myelopathy, Retrospective Study.”Turk Neurosurg. 28(2):257-262 (2018) Feb 27. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.20007-17.1. 

  40. Kırık A, Mut SE, Daneyemez MK,Secer HI. “Anatomical variations of brachial plexus in fetal cadavers”Turk Neurosurg. 2017Nov 13,doi: 10.5137/1019-5149. JTN.21339-17.2 [Epub ahead of print]

  41.  Secer HI, Kahraman SK, Oren NC, Bulakbası N, Dirik MA.“The differences of clinical, radiological and treatment modalities of cervical intramedullary arachnoid cysts with cervical syringomyelia. Report of 12 cases” Cesk Slov Neurol N, 81/114(4): 427– 434 (2018)

  42. Secer HI, Polat B. “New Laminoplasty Technique for Preserving Paravertebral Muscles: Technical Note.” Turk Neurosurg. 29(5):658-663 (2019)

  43. Polat AE, Yuksel O, Polat B, Ozmanevra R,Secer HI. “Comparison outcomes of repeat mini-open microdiscectomy versus fusion for recurrent lumbar disc herniations regarding preoperative radiological features-single institute experience.” Ann Med Res, 27(12):3054-60 (2020)

prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Secer

Telephone (Turkey): 0 532 542 8339

Telephone (Cyprus)   : 0 548 842 8339

This website is Prof. Dr. This is the official personal page of Halil İbrahim Seçer. Articles and videos on this site cannot be copied without permission. Quotations can be made by specifying the source and giving a link. The information provided on this site is not for diagnostic or medical advice, but for informational purposes. Consult a specialist physician for treatment.

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